
a girl sitting on a ledge with a field behind her and mountains in the distance

I’m Haley, a happy camper from the East Coast, and the creator behind Comet Haley.

Believe it or not, I didn’t really get into hiking until my mid-twenties. My first backpacking adventure was only 3 miles round trip, I slept like ass, and was incredibly sore for the next several days. Honestly, there’s a point on every backpacking trip when I question my sanity and why I willingly climb mountains to sleep in the cold.

But there’s something about falling asleep to the sounds of the forest and waking up with the sun that keeps me coming back for more. It’s the connection, you know? The humbling feeling of falling asleep deep in the wilderness, at the mercy of God and nature. The heartwarming moments around a campfire between loved ones without any distractions. The euphoria after overcoming the physical challenge. Really, truly seeing the stars for the first time. All the little moments where life really happens.

I started this blog to share our experiences, while helping you plan beautiful, successful adventures for yourself. I promise that it’s easier than you think! Here you can find tools to get outside with confidence and safely enjoy the outdoors.

My Story

Growing up in a military family allowed me to travel all over the world. Before my eighth birthday, I’d already lived in three different countries and multiple states across the USA. When we finally settled on the East Coast, I spent my teenage years writing and dreaming of seeing the world.

I planned to return to Europe and make my own memories. As a kid, I was too young to appreciate the time we spent there and I wanted to experience some of my own adventures. Luckily, I had the wonderful opportunity in college to study abroad in Italy. The experience became the highlight of my college years. Between late night conversations with the locals, admiring the beautiful art and architecture, and the best food I’ve ever eaten, it was safe to say I’d caught the travel bug!

Besides my month abroad, my early twenties were nothing to write home about. I grinded through college, working full-time and imagining my future travels. After graduating with a degree in English, I settled into a technical writing job and the 9-5 lifestyle. I liked my job, but I spent my morning commutes wishing for something more.

Then I met Jon and my world became adventurous once again. We spent our first summer together camping on the weekends and took a week-long road trip out to Yellowstone and Glacier National Park. I fell in love with these simple adventures: sleeping under the stars, mountain views, campfire laughter, road trip coffee stops, and building memories.

We spent the next few years escaping to the woods whenever we could, budgeting our vacation days and juggling our work schedules. My passion for writing led me to start this blog, dreaming of all the adventures I wanted to add to our story.

We’re only here for so long, so why not climb the mountain and enjoy the view?

Thank you for being here Happy camping!