Grand Prismatic Overlook Trail: Hike One of Yellowstone’s BEST Views

aerial view of the Grand Prismatic Hot Spring

This easy hike offers a beautiful overhead view of the country’s largest hot spring. Follow the Grand Prismatic Overlook Trail to one of Yellowstone’s best views! 


Grand Prismatic Overlook Trail

The Grand Prismatic Overlook Trail is a 1.6 mile out-and-back trail with only 200ft elevation gain. Most of the elevation gain is an ascent to the overlook viewing platform. 

Park at the Fairy Falls Parking Lot; the trail begins at the Fairy Falls Trailhead. Hike along Fountain Freight Road for a while; keep in mind that bikers also use this path. The Overlook Trail sign is about 0.5 miles into the trail. Veer to the left and begin the climb up to the viewpoint. 

Stop to enjoy the Ojo Caliente hot spring and the Firehole River along the way. The landscape is pretty flat in this area, allowing you to see for miles! 


Trail Notes

  • Stay on the designated trail. The thermal elements in Yellowstone are dangerous! Don’t even think about swimming in the hot springs. 
  • Try to avoid hiking to the overlook in the morning, as the mist from the spring obscures the view. The mist usually clears up by the early afternoon, but weather conditions may vary. 
  • This trail is in a Bear Management Area, and is closed from March to Memorial Day to prevent bear encounters. Watch for wildlife along the way and remember to follow Leave No Trace guidelines

For more information, check out the National Park Service website. 


Have you been to Yellowstone? What was your favorite view? 



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